
Showing posts from January, 2011

Silalah layan kepoyoan aku ni jap. =B

Hahahaha ok tetiba je gila gelak sensorg kannn... Aku tergatal godek2 belog aku ni haa.. Maklumlah lom pakar lagi dgn benda alah ni. Member aku bilang nape x buleh nak tgk belog aku. Rupa2nya semalam aku gatai tangan g tukar blogspot address aku tu. Maka sesiapa yang berminat nak follow balik belog aku ni(pitam aku baca) silalah follow kembali from alamat kat bawah ni. Hik2 (gelak gedik siket)

Kak Ruza's leaving away

Hadoi laa.. Sudah pening. Perut kosong. Akibat malas masak. Sanggupku tunggu delivery yang tah abad bila mau sampai dari menapak masuk ke dapur tumis bawang. Aihhhh~ *membebelbebel* Esok cuti yeayyyy!! India Republic Day. Whatever janji aku takyah g sekolah. Sebab esok cutilah aku hari ini ponteng setengah hari. Muahahaha tak rasa bersalah pun. Memang niat nak memontengkan diri pun. Quota Amalgam I dah abes so Im very the malas lah nak pergi itu posting. Rasa lama la sikit cuti dari orang lain kan kalau ponteng posting petang tadi. Teehee~ Pening ni pening! Dari siang tak makan apa. Eh2 tipuuu... Lepas class Surgery tadi aku ngan Mek pergi makan parota kat canteen. Tapi sekeping je.. Mana mampu nak bagi tenaga sepanjang hari! Balik-balik posting dalam 12pm. Ingat nak singgah terus rumah Kak Ruza tapi call2 dia pulak tak de kat rumah. Aku pun balik la Lobo tercinta ni. 1.30pm gi rumah Kak Ruza @ Cik Bebeq. Today's the last day I meet her here. She's going back to Malays...

New day. New life.

Alhamdulillah.. Emosi kian stabil. Harap this decision I made will pay off at the end of the day. Im praying to Allah that He will give me strength to handle this. Ya Allah Kau permudahkanlah perjalanan hidupku. Kau berikanlah aku peluang untuk menghirup nafas baru. Bantulah aku dalam membuat pilihan. Amin.

Weekend went sooo fast!

Woahh! Gila lama x update blog ni. Well oh well life's been busy. Ceh. ;) Just got back from Bangalore this morning. Went to Wonder La with them girls. Biasalah bila trlintas je kat kepala ada plan baik tup2 terus pegi. Haha thats us. No need so much time to plan on something. Anyhow yesterday was quite fun. Despite sharing the pool with hundreds of tempes(Indians). Which was kinda gross to even rethink about it. Air dia keruh2 je kan. Ahhaaaiiiii.. Hilang selera nak makan! But the park was great. Boleh la untuk orang yg dah lama tak jejak Sunway Lagoon. The rides there were beyond awesome! I screamed my heart out there. Hehe best la jugak. I always loved being spinned & twisted upside down. Have you ever watched the movie Richie Rich? I always adore the house in that movie. They even have their own roller coaster in their yard. (And even their own McDonald's!) - berangan kejap mana tau besok2 dah kaya leh wat roller coaster sendiri. :) Hihi check out the new swimsuit. ...