Same old same old

Waaahhh!! Pejam celik pejam celik tinggal berapa hari je lagi nak habis Ramadhan ni. It is pretty sad that this holy month will soon gonna leave us behind. Thinking of how much amal I have done throughout this month make me even sad. Tiba2 rasa marah kat diri sendiri sebab before masuk Ramadhan dah janji dgn diri sendiri kalau boleh nak khatam kan satu al-Quran, qiam kalau boleh nak buat tiap2 malam, but in the end Im still being the same old me . Sedih sangat! I thought Ive changed tapi tak. Sama je lagi. I thought Im now a better person. Im not. Masih lagi dengan masalah lama, buat benda2 yang sgt wasting time plus tak mendatangkan apa2. Dosa lagi ada! *sigh* I came across Maria Elena's new entry just now. She was saying something about how Muslimah nowadays, especially in Malaysia, are getting too busy chasing their dreams on who's becoming most fashionable, most trendy, most pretty. Most of them, including me, forget that a true Muslimah is the one who kn...