So sad, so sad.. Its a sad, sad situation..


Just got back from class with an aching body all over. Yesterday we had an intercollege netball match. MaKSIMa - thats what they called it. Basically its an all-Malaysian event. They'd thrown a netball match for the girls and futsal for the guys. Hope it'll be an annual event for us people in Mangalore. Its great when you can mingle with everybody from other colleges. Despite that it was all fun and sun. Im all tanned over again now. I was pitch black after last December holiday. After God-knows-what whitening cream I spat on my face, now its a no-use-no-more. Im happy that Im 'bronze' now. Deyyum.

Ok2 lets not make this sound like a diary or something. Drama happens all the time, am I right? Its just the matter of you know it is coming or not. Same goes to moi. I believe everybody had their times when they cant control whatever come out from their mouth. Like as if you were actually talking to yourself but accidentally it blurted out from your throat out of nowhere. That can be hilarious or embarrassing or worst hurt other people's feelings. 

I'd like to talk more about the latter part. Sometimes when people get too tense or too confused they dont know how to control themselves, they tend to channel their anger to other person instead. It is ok when you know who are you talking to. It is ok when you know how to use proper words. But it is not ok when you simply shout straight to the face.

"10% of conflicts is due to difference in opinion and 90% is due to wrong tone of voice"  

I couldnt agree more with this. Whether you want to point out your opinion or other people wrongdoing why not try say it the polite way. It will save you much energy and will not cost you any hassle on the later days.

But try putting yourself in that situation. Emotional can conquer thoughts way faster than our mind. Sometimes we are not aware of what we say when that happen. Isnt this world be a better place if everybody learn how to take charge of their emotion. No more heartbreak, no more disappointment. All live happily ever after. 

To be frank, Im also a victim of this unfair,terrible,relationship-destructive misfit. I cant help being my true self - being way too honest sometimes it hurts. Personally said, I have those people who are care enough asking me to change some part of my life. Though it can be hard at times when people seemed to be complaining about me. But mind me, Im changing. I try to improve myself each and everyday. Im truly sorry to those whom I hurt. I hope it is not too late for me to apologize to you.

Everytime when you feel like everything in the world turns against you, just remember to take a step back and breathe. Breathe and then think. Think before you say. Say it right. Wouldnt it be nice when you get it right?


  1. xpe2..saye maafkan k.dian sbb k.dian m'buli saye hari ni smpi telanggar dinding~ haha

  2. I will stay by ur side dear..nice post,touching plak kat last part,hu2..

  3. Naten: itu bukan buli ok.. tu cara kte tunjuk kasih syg. ngeee~

    Fzy: awwhh so sweet.. i'll stay by ur side too bibeh! hehe


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