Rise & shine!!

Jello! Jello! Tak la berapa pagi sangat pun nak rise & shine tu. But Im in the mood of writing so back off. Start my day at 9am(or so). Went to the kitchen planning to make myself pancakes sekali flour yg nak buat pancake tu dah rosak. Tah ulat apa tah duduk menetap kat dalam tepung which kinda gross oso so I decided to throw it away. Darn you ulat! So next thing I saw was my hampir-expired roti. Alang2 lagi bape hari je nk berkulat abeskan je la. Yup I made a sandwich out of it. LOL cm apa pulak cakap pasal breakfast. Anyways Im busying my butt off watching a few rounds of Grey's Anatomy now before I finally hit the books. Ada viva woi tomolo! Tak sedar2 diri lagi exam tak abes lagi. Dem. Ok then gotta go finish up my Grey's. McDreamy is waiting for me. Muahaha. Toodles~


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