It's holiday... Lets celebrate...

Well hello hello diary. Im finally home!  Its been pretty good so far. I got back last Sunday. Well not really Sunday la cuz I landed pun 12am. Dah masuk Isnin dh pun waktu Malaysia.

13 Dec: Flite back homeeee! Yay! 

14 Dec: My baby sis's birthday. Tisya's 11 now. Gosh that girl grew so fast! I remember how small she was when mama got her out. Time tu dia tak cukup bulan. Bila angkat pun pjg bdn dia sama pjg ngn my arm je. But now, she's a few inch more the same height as me. Sebenarnya aku je yg semakin kemetot. My bros Abang & Ancik sume dh grow taller dh. Bummer! Celebrated her birthday at midnight. At home je. Mama bought baby cakes for her. Kecik2 je cm cupcakes. That morning we went to Kelfood. Notice the name lah. Kelfood=Kelantan Food! Lol. But my dad bukan from Kelantan. He just love it there. As usual baba had his nasik dagang. I had nasi kerabu that morning. Which was pretty yummay after so long tak makan. Then in the evening we went for a swim at KKlub. Ancik taught me how to somersault underwater. Sakit hidung woo!


ps: Just got back from holiday in Perak. Update later. Toodles!


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