Bila bosan dan (sedikit) rindu

Being far apart from your loved one SUCK! So me & Bipbip have this sort of to-do list of whatever things that cross our minds. These are a few of them..

1. Fly a kite

2. Picnic by the river

3. Take Milly for a walk

4. Learn how to eat TAPAI (since me no likey this thing)

5. Bicycle riding

6. Disco skating

 7. Go trekking on Broga.

8. Lomentik anniversary dinner *kurr3*

(Sila abaikan gambar kerana empunya badan teramat kuatlah berangan tidak mungkin akan berlaku)

...and the list go on and on.

Until then.



  1. kat celah mane nak skate kat mangalore ni?? haha

  2. ini plan bila balik cuti la macikkk.. sini mana nak dapat kan. aihh.


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