Namaskara. Just got back from class with an aching body all over. Yesterday we had an intercollege netball match. MaKSIMa - thats what they called it. Basically its an all-Malaysian event. They'd thrown a netball match for the girls and futsal for the guys. Hope it'll be an annual event for us people in Mangalore. Its great when you can mingle with everybody from other colleges. Despite that it was all fun and sun. Im all tanned over again now. I was pitch black after last December holiday. After God-knows-what whitening cream I spat on my face, now its a no-use-no-more. Im happy that Im 'bronze' now. Deyyum. Ok2 lets not make this sound like a diary or something. Drama happens all the time, am I right? Its just the matter of you know it is coming or not. Same goes to moi. I believe everybody had their times when they cant control whatever come out from their mouth. Like as if you were actually talking to yourself but accidentally it blurted out from your throat o...
Hari ini hari bersejarah! Satu kejadian pembunuhan beramai2 telah berlaku malam td tanpa aku sedari. Suspek utama sudah pun dikenal pasti. Beliau sungguh bangga sekali mengaku beliaulah pembunuh terhebat alam fana ni! Aku ler tuuu.. Muahahahaha! Ok abes. Aish mende ko merepek ni labuuuu?? Seperti biasalah bila sampai musim ekjem ni aku mmg gemar bgn awal pagi. Study katanya... Maka nk kasik aku hilang ngantok aku pn mula la cari pape nk mengunyah. Terus teringat biskut Mcvities peberet mak sejak azali(sbb buat aku senang berak) kat dapur. Sekeluarnya aku dr bilik kelihatan bergelimpangan mayat2 lipas di sana sini. Pada mulanya aku mmg musykil sekali lantas berfikir hari ni hari apakah sampai semua lipas2 di bumi ni nk meninggal pula. Aku musykil sampai aku bertindak utk lari ke dapur, selamatkan biskut peberet guwe lalu berlari semula ke bilik lalu mengunci rapat pintu. Pikir punya pikir br aku teringat yg malam td before tidur aku ada g wat milo. Selalu aku mmg simpan seg...
Waaahhh!! Pejam celik pejam celik tinggal berapa hari je lagi nak habis Ramadhan ni. It is pretty sad that this holy month will soon gonna leave us behind. Thinking of how much amal I have done throughout this month make me even sad. Tiba2 rasa marah kat diri sendiri sebab before masuk Ramadhan dah janji dgn diri sendiri kalau boleh nak khatam kan satu al-Quran, qiam kalau boleh nak buat tiap2 malam, but in the end Im still being the same old me . Sedih sangat! I thought Ive changed tapi tak. Sama je lagi. I thought Im now a better person. Im not. Masih lagi dengan masalah lama, buat benda2 yang sgt wasting time plus tak mendatangkan apa2. Dosa lagi ada! *sigh* I came across Maria Elena's new entry just now. She was saying something about how Muslimah nowadays, especially in Malaysia, are getting too busy chasing their dreams on who's becoming most fashionable, most trendy, most pretty. Most of them, including me, forget that a true Muslimah is the one who kn...
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