I wanna go homeeeee...

(Why in the world does this hidious four-letter word exist??)

First of all. I wasnt in the mood of updating my blog lately because of certain reasons. And I spent too much time doing F.R.I.E.N.D.S reruns every now and then. I kinda like addicted to them since then. Dulu2 tak berapa follow sgt with the series. But now after more than a decade baru terhegeh2 repeat the series from Season 1!

Second of all. Yeayyyyy!! -as that four-letter word starting to bug into my time(of watching more F.R.I.E.N.D.S- I am proudly to announce Im turning to be a NERD!! Well maybe for the meantime. Idk. However early I started to revise for the exam, I ended up being average je. Kinda pissed me off everytime. Any good idea of studying for exam? *sigh*

Third thing is, my brother's birthday is on this Sunday. It happened to be that my bestfriend, Na was also born on the same date as my brother. I sent him a parcel last week. Just a little something from Nike Store. I hope he'll gets it before Sunday. 

Anddd.. My parents anniversary is on the 14th! Yeap its Valentine's, alright. Never been a Valentine's-day-freak before. So na-ah. Not feeling anything for the  so-called lovers' day. I made a delivery for my parents too. I hope they might love them. Wish I can be home giving them hugs & kisses on their anniversary day. Bummer. 


Oh ohhh! Toodles~

ps: I bunked the classes whole day. FULLSTOP.


  1. ahhh i hate that word too!!!! i am having the same problem right now! :)



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