My productive weekend
Alhamdulillah.. Just got back from SEMPOI. A program organized by Malaysian Association from Manipal. Now tengah berehat2 lepas perut kenyang melantak at the camp before bergerak balik ke Mangalore. Gosh my English is so terrible kan? Depressed! (-_-') Honestly, I must say, I didnt expect this program would be so inspirational to me in the first place. True. I wasnt that excited to come sbb tah la. Maybe I put negative thoughts that it would be so boring sbb datang dgr ceramah je. Pastu dengar orang cakap penceramah ni ustaz yang tulis buku femes jugaklah kat Malaysia. I was like okaaayy aku mesti tak kenal punya . Thats why it didnt excite me. And the most thing that I hate is to berLDK(Latihan Dalam Kumpulan). Tatau asal. Malas bercampur dgn orang kot.(There must be something wrong with me. Haihsss) But after this 2 and a half days I feel so bad cause of giving those bad thoughts to the program before it eved started. Memang aku ni ada masalah dalaman diri kot. T-T It ...