Same old same old

Waaahhh!! Pejam celik pejam celik tinggal berapa hari je lagi nak habis Ramadhan ni. It is pretty sad that this holy month will soon gonna leave us behind. Thinking of how much amal I have done throughout this month make me even sad. Tiba2 rasa marah kat diri sendiri sebab before masuk Ramadhan dah janji dgn diri sendiri kalau boleh nak khatam kan satu al-Quran, qiam kalau boleh nak buat tiap2 malam, but in the end Im still being the same old me. Sedih sangat! I thought Ive changed tapi tak. Sama je lagi. I thought Im now a better  person. Im not. Masih lagi dengan masalah lama, buat benda2 yang sgt wasting time plus tak mendatangkan apa2. Dosa lagi ada!


I came across Maria Elena's new entry just now. She was saying something about how Muslimah nowadays, especially in Malaysia, are getting too busy chasing their dreams on who's becoming most fashionable, most trendy, most pretty. Most of them, including me, forget that a true Muslimah is the one who knows how to cover themselves up and not being too exposed. Tengok je lah skrg berapa byk style org pakai baju, pakai hijab sume. Ada plak yg wat lookbook acc tu semata2 nak tunjuk the way dia dressup. Ada yg elok tu mmg elok. Tutup aurat. Tudung labuh cover dada. But how about some of the rest? 

Im nobody to say whose ways are right, whose are wrong pun. Even me,myself are still new with covering my aurat, wearing hijab and so on. I swear I tell you Im still learning. But bila pikir balik the way how I carry myself after started wearing hijab ni tak la beza mana pun dgn how I was when I havent started wearing pun. Sama je nampak. Pakai baju sleeves 3 1/4 lagi. Apekah?? Tudung see-through kadang2 sampai nampak leher. Waddeee?? Seriously mmg dh lama perasan tapi sendiri wat derk je. Dalam pale pikir ala janji tutup rambut. Mula la rasa nak hantuk kepala kat dinding kuat2 skrg ni. Dian.. Dian..

Anyhoo.. Memandangkan tinggal berapa hari je lagi nak habisnya Ramadhan, I once again want to make a promise to myself. I want to be a good Muslimah from now on. InsyaAllah. What promise I want to make let it be only Allah & me who knows. I dont believe people can change over night but kalau kita tak lupa untuk doa to Allah to open our hearts, in God's will, anything can happen. Kan? If any of you see me doing things yang agak tersasar dari jalan yang benar tu dont hesitate to tegur me. I'll accept any of your advice. But sama2 kena beringatlah. Bila kita nak tegur orang, tak semestinya besok jugak dia berubah. Mungkin akan amek masa. And most importantly how we tegur someone tu kan. Janganlah kau nak tegur dia buat salah kau lagi pergi tunjal2 kepala dia. Cam dia sorg je paling berdosa kann.. Berpada2 la..

Until then.


p/s: Oh I came across this one pic someone reblog it kat Tumblr. An ad about hijab. Cool. But full of meaning. Check it.


  1. Cantik blog!!! Ngee~~~ saje jalan jap...hehe

  2. salam dear...
    u make me cry...seyesly,touching hbis..sket lg air mata nk masuk dlm mulut,hu2..insyaAllah,kita saling mendoakn ya,menjadi lebih baik dr hari ke hari...
    Saya sayang awk sgt2..persahabatan di jalan Allah selama-lamanya..

  3. amboi air mata masuk mulut tu kelakarr!! hahaha fizzi2...huhu sy pn syg awak. friends forever!

    awe silalah jalan2 lagi. blog aku xde la gah mana pun. bdk2 br belajar. hihi

  4. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah..
    Moga Allah sentiasa pelihara awak dr melakukan perkara2 yg melanggar undang2Nya.
    mari sama2 kita berusaha menjadi muslimah yg lebih baik dari hari semalam. JOM! :)


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