New day. New life.

Alhamdulillah.. Emosi kian stabil. Harap this decision I made will pay off at the end of the day. Im praying to Allah that He will give me strength to handle this. Ya Allah Kau permudahkanlah perjalanan hidupku. Kau berikanlah aku peluang untuk menghirup nafas baru. Bantulah aku dalam membuat pilihan. Amin.


  1. salam...
    nape ni dear??de prob ke??anything,gtau r ye..
    insyaAllah,esok kita main masak2 utk bday sah ye,he3..

  2. xde pe awk perlu risau pn. nnt la kte stori mori k. sila tlg hosmet anda masak bsok. kte sedia dtg bwk pewot kosong je. hehe.


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